
Developing and delivering privacy-enhancing technologies to serve humanity

Neutrality deploys unique security technologies which safeguard the cyber network of organizations whose integrity and trust is essential in protecting people.

Neutrality was started in Switzerland with the belief that humanitarian organizations and critical-sectors organizations require technology that provides high level security properties and is geopolitically neutral.  Initiated with seed funding from one such organization, Neutrality has now secured funding to develop its first product.  As a company, we are committed to developing privacy first solutions to secure and protect the data of people.

Our technology is provably secure, and rooted in deep research and science.

We are a team of highly skilled security experts, engineers and specialists with a clear vision and mission to ensure that organizations do not have to trade off the security and safety of people for affordable and performant technology. We strive for technical excellence and hold ourselves up to the scrutiny of an esteemed group of respected cyber security experts.

Our mission

The increasing volume, type and scale of cyberattacks and threats against the humanitarian, human-rights, and critical-infrastructure sectors threaten the lives, safety and well-being of billions of people. The recent cyberattacks targeting the International Committee of the Red Cross' servers hosting its “restoring family links data'' (i.e., the personal data of 515,000+ people among the world's most vulnerable, including detainees, refugees, and civilian population affected by armed conflicts) has been made public as acts of nation-state-like actors. The majority of such attacks remain unreported. As these sectors continue to digitalize and are increasingly reliant on technology to deliver and scale their programs to reach more people in need, the risks of cyberattacks will continue to increase. Yet, it is increasingly difficult for such organizations to access technology that meets their needs in safety-critical contexts, and they must compromise and make trade-offs – particularly around security, costs, and reputation – with existing technology providers whose technology is also increasingly geopolitically compromised.

Neutrality has a dual purpose combining business and impact. This purpose is articulated around two powerful, indissociable and synergistic axes: 1) The ambition to become the leading virtualization software in the market; and 2) the ambition to have a profound social impact by providing affordable privacy-first solutions to International Organizations and NGOs; and performing research, education and knowledge dissemination regarding privacy-by-design tech for critical infrastructure and digital rights of the underserved.